NYC Exhibition Dec 2023: Art for Laudato Si: Organic for All

Dec 2023

Exhibition Title: Art for Laudato Si: Organic for All

Location: NYC, Archbishop Hughes Center at Old St. Patrick’s Cathedral.

In Art for Laudato Si: Organic for All, artist Delphinoto in collaboration with the Vatican Dicastery for Integral Human Development and Laudato Si Action Platform presents works of art inspired by Laudato Si’, Pope Francis’s encyclical on integral ecology and call to action.

In 2021, with echoes of Hurricane Sandy still reverberating through the streets of Little Italy, and moved by over one million people in NYC facing food insecurity at the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, Delphinoto launched "Art for Laudato Si."

It started on Mott Street, with Delphinoto painting a community fridge, symbolizing a beacon of hope and solidarity, and a mural of Pope Francis calling for Universal Basic Income (UBI) alongside another mural envisioning how UBI could be designed to simultaneously address climate change, save mom & pops, and embody Pope Francis's impassioned plea for "Food for All."

Seeking to weave together delicate threads from the past, present, and future, this exhibition culminates upstairs with a modern depiction of Christ’s Last Supper.

As part of the show and as a testament to the resilience of community spirit and the power of art to illuminate, Delphinoto invited local artists to participate.

The 5 rooms in this exhibition are titled, NYC, Praise Be, Climate Changing, Be Like Children, and Breaking Bread. The show aims to guide visitors through a visual narrative that echoes the spirit of Laudato Si, ultimately inspiring action.

AHA Fine Art Gallery

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